Paper Temple Support

FAQs and Support

Before reaching out, we recommend checking our app FAQs and documentation for quick solutions to common queries.

Optimized Showcase Documentation
Optimized Showcase FAQs
Visual Stats Bar FAQs
FlipFolio FAQs

General App FAQs

How many apps can I add to my website?
You can add as many widgets as needed to a single website. Note that if you upgrade to a premium plan, the upgrade applies to one website only. Additional upgrades are required for each additional website.

What browsers do you provide support for?
Our apps are supported across all major browsers, ensuring compatibility for a seamless user experience. Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iOS Safari, and Android Browsers. Please note that discontinued and insecure browsers are not supported for optimal performance and security reasons.

Helpful Links

How to cancel an app subscription plan
Transferring an app subscription plan to another website

Contact Us

If you're unable to find the answer you need, feel free to contact us. We're here to help! Simply reach out, and we'll respond promptly to assist you with your inquiry.